- WOULDMAGIE - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in a paperback book, "Shangri-La," which was published by Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1982. It illustrates the story, "Woudmagie," by Archie Goodwin. Although the book was published in the "Dutch" language, the manuscript I received of the story I was to illustrate was in English. The title in English is "Woodmagic".
Whenever I received an assignment from a professional publisher, there was either an oral or a written contract made between us that gave the publisher "First North American Printing Rights" and limited the publisher to make no other use of the printing rights other than for the purpose stated in the contract.
"Reprint Rights" are sold to publishers who know that the artwork has already been printed somewhere, at some time, but want to print it again. Usually, the "reprint" rights are sold for a lesser amount than they were for the "First" printing rights.
However, I did receive a larger "Reprint" fee once for one of my pictures that had been published years earlier on the cover of "Amazing Stories," and for which I had been paid only $150. The publisher who emailed me wanting to reprint that picture, asked for my "Reprint" rates. And because I was aware of the going reprint rates among several publishers, I usually asked for an average amount, which was $25 to $50 per picture, depending on the picture's particulars. But for some reason, when I received this email asking for my reprint rates, I was a bit depressed at the time and replied, "make an offer".
I just about fell out of my chair when the email reply came and the amount offered was "$2,000". Which I quickly accepted! So you can bet your boots that from then on my reprint rates became, "MAKE AN OFFER!"

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