- RAUM 1 - An acrylic painting on a 12 x 16 size poster board, circa 2000.
This painting was a private commission based on a b&w drawing I did for the paperback novel, "RAUM", by Carl Sherrell.
Back in the mid 1960s I had some doubts about my being able to make it as a part time professional SF illustrator after I retired from working in the aerospace industry. When I thought about the artists I admired in the field, the ones who inspired me to learn to draw, the challenge seemed too great. But there is truth in that old adage that if you compare yourself with others, there will always be those who are greater than you, as well as those who are lesser, but how will you ever know what you can achieve if you don't try!
So I tried! With persistence! And here I am, seemingly just a tick of the clock later, looking back at what I did when the chance came along to be part of this wonderful world of illustration.
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