- Black and white drawing on 11 x 14 size coquille board. Appears in the book, "Alien Flesh" by Seabury Quinn, published by Train, 1977, used as Frontispiece.
You have heard the saying, "Beauty fades but stupid lasts forever". How much better life would be if we could reverse that saying to, "Stupid fades and beauty lasts forever".
I received an email recently from a woman who wrote to tell me how much she liked this drawing of Ismet, and included this sensitive poem that she wrote about the fleeting nature of "beauty" . . .
"Time, that insidious thief,
robs me of my precious youth,
etching his lines on my canvas
as he quickly passes.
An unappreciated masterpiece
in a gallery of modern art."
- by Kathleen Robson
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