- CROW - A scratchboard drawing, size 8.5 x 11. It appears in the book "The Compleat Crow," by Brian Lumley, published by Paul Ganley, 1987.
This is the only book where I used scratch-board paper for all the interior artwork. I had difficulty finding good scratch-board paper.
The funny thing about using scratch-board is that I felt more like a sculptor when I was scratching away to make the pictures, switching back and forth from a fine edged tool to a broader edged blade.
At one point I became concerned about all the white powder residue that resulted from the scratching process, was I breathing it into my lungs? I decided to use my brush more frequently to whisk away the residue from the drawing and the table.
There are artist's materials that can be harmful, some are poisonous, others are highly inflammable. You have to read the labels on everything to find out how to use them so they are safe.
I asked my doctor if the spray can I use to cover my drawings and paintings with a protective coat of varnish was dangerous, and he said, "not at all!" - But the spray can label warns you to spray in a ventilated area . . .
So, to be safe, whenever I used the spray can indoors I tied a handkerchief over my nose and mouth. If the weather was nice and calm I sprayed the artwork outdoors.
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