- BALLERINA - An acrylic painting on a 14 x 18 size poster board, circa 1980.
A long time ago I saw a photograph in a magazine that showed a group of ballet dancers on stage. It was break time at an audition for a forthcoming ballet show at Lincoln Center in NY. I don't recall the title of the show. Off to one side in the photo was a young girl in her tutu sitting on the stage, resting, no doubt hoping to get a part in the show. In my mind I imagined her being a famous ballerina. Her sitting posture on the stage floor drew my attention, it seemed like a good pose for a painting.
Strange, that I thought about her after so many years. I don't know if that young girl succeeded in getting a part in the show, I don't even know her name. But that young ballet dancer has remained in my memory all these years. I finally decided to do a painting of her, and this is it.

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